Saturday, November 17, 2007

Workers at Kawah Ijen battle

It is a steep 3km walk uphill to the crater lip, from where the
workers can be seen 200 meters belownext to a beautiful but
deadly crater lake - mining sulfur that pools on the ground after
escaping from ceramic pipes laid tap the volcanic gases inside.
Wearing masks or cloth on their faces to lessen
the stinging the sulfur fumes inflict on mouth, throat, nose,
lungs and eyes, the workers collect the hardened sulfur in
baskets and undertake the climb up the crater wall over loose
rocks, laden with up to 100kg loads.
Once the first load is carried down the hill, most workers
will make their daily return journey before taking the sulfur for
weighing, to sell to a
nearby sugar refinery.

-- JP/Griff Tapper

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